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  • Form input field with no value?

    Hi, if I insert a form input field, it gets the standard value ''text1''. If go to the field properties,&nbsp; delete this value and press ok it still has the value ''text1''. Best regards, Claus-Stefan
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by on August 8, 2007
  • Replace the Bold icon?

    Hi, I like to replace the Bold Icon with a F gif (German). I have replaced the bold.gif in all themes folders and in the images folder of cuteeditor-files. Unfortunately it still displays as B not as F. What can I do? Regards, Claus-Stefan
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by on August 8, 2007
  • Re: Copy and Paste of an image

    Hi, &nbsp; I have a new perception: It works on a amercan server but not on a german server. &nbsp; What can I do to let CutEditor work on a german server? &nbsp; Regards, Reiner
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by on August 27, 2004
  • Copy and Paste of an image

    Hi, if I select an image in the editor -&gt; copy -&gt; insert the image is not inserted but it writes: null &nbsp; In the internet Demo this works fine. The only explaination could be that the code in the internet is different from the code that we have downloaded? &nbsp; Has anyone the same ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by on August 20, 2004