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  • Issue on Browse Button in the Hyperlink Property

    Dear Support &nbsp; We have a licenced product for CuteEditor for .NET and it' licenced under: When we click Hyperlink button, it comes up the Properties window. But then we click the BROWSE button we got the following error: &nbsp; Compilation Error &nbsp; Compiler Error Message: CS0015: ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by flip on May 14, 2006
  • Inquries for Cute Editor .NET

    Hi all &nbsp; I implemented this cute editor component into our program and it works excellent. Now, we would like to tweak to suit the client request. &nbsp; Basically, we would like to do : 1. Removing some buttons (Insert Image, Flash, Media, PDF and Template). 2. Would like to increase ''Enlarge the editing window''. &nbsp; How do I ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by flip on April 15, 2006