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  • Re: Error message when upload complete

    I found the problem. For some reason, on this page, the button was calling form_load and getting lost there before the UploadPhoto_FileUploaded method was called. thanks, Stephanie&nbsp;
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by endif on February 22, 2013
  • Error message when upload complete

    I&#39;m getting this error when the upload is complete: &nbsp; It does not execute the &quot;file uploaded&quot; event, but the image is in the temp directory. This is in a Framework 4.0 environment using VS 2010 and C#. The page has code in a separate file, but it does not work even if it is in-page. &nbsp; The confiming message shows the ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by endif on February 18, 2013