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  • Re: Help me

    No, I'm uisng 2 Domain. &nbsp; Domain is sub account of&nbsp; &nbsp; i can enter page dm2 with &nbsp;or &nbsp; Now i have install CE6 on, because dm2 folder is subfolder with, i'm using CE for edit data of&nbsp;;and if i insert a ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by nddieu on December 29, 2007
  • Help me

    i'm using CE6.0 &nbsp; i have a domain, i'm using CE for editor a page on other page on code i have set -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITOR1.UseRelativeLinks = false; EDITOR1.RemoveServerNamesFromUrl = false; EDITOR1.ResolveClientUrl('' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by nddieu on December 28, 2007
  • Re: Problem on function setHTML (Javascript object)

    I'm have&nbsp;fix this problem ( Problem on my&nbsp;IE&nbsp;)&nbsp; &nbsp; Thank you so much.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by nddieu on October 17, 2007
  • Re: Problem on function setHTML (Javascript object)

    On example page is not problem, but on my page i'm using DIV, and set on style visibility&nbsp;of DIV tag&nbsp; ''hidden'' and '''' (none) (Some time is problem, some time is OK) &nbsp; &lt;div id=''aaa'' style=''position: absolute; background-color:White; border:solid 1px #124F97; z-index:1000 ; left: 17px; top: ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by nddieu on October 16, 2007
  • Problem on function setHTML (Javascript object)

    i'm using the Cute Editor 6.0 This is my&nbsp;Code ----------------------------------------------------- &lt;ce:editor id=''EditNoiDung'' runat=''server'' allowpastehtml=''true'' autoconfigure=''Full_noform'' breakelement=''Br'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by nddieu on October 16, 2007
  • Re: Absolute Urls opption is not work

    Thank for you help. &nbsp; Excuseme, What time we will have the V6, And I have buy V5, can i update to V6? and how much (money) for&nbsp;update&nbsp; ??? &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by nddieu on March 21, 2007
  • Re: Absolute Urls opption is not work

    Hello, everyone body here ? &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by nddieu on March 20, 2007
  • Absolute Urls opption is not work

    Absolute Urls&nbsp;is not work with Insert Media. &nbsp; if i insert picture then see Full Path but i'm insert the Video Clip it can't show Full Path Ex: i'm using;and Click opption ''Use Absolute Urls'' for test. &nbsp; i'm inserted 2 objec (1 Picture and 1 Video Clip), img is ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by nddieu on March 10, 2007