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  • Re: Error when try uploading

    Thank problem was in session. But now page is reloaded after the download is complete and not showing file list. What&apos;s could be wrong in this time?
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by mol on November 23, 2012
  • Error when try uploading

    Hello. &nbsp; I try use &nbsp;PHP File Uploader &nbsp; I write: &nbsp; &nbsp; require_once BASE_PATH . &quot;/library/phpuploader/include_phpuploader.php&quot;; &nbsp; &nbsp; $uploader=new PhpUploader(); &nbsp; &nbsp; $uploader-&gt;Name=&quot;pdf_upload&quot;; &nbsp; &nbsp; $uploader-&gt;MultipleFilesUpload=true; ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by mol on November 22, 2012