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  • Back Color wont change

    Trying to change the back color of the textbox on the editor. Have changed all these properties and it does not work: &nbsp; BackcolorFrameStyle.BackcolorTextArea.Backcolor &nbsp; I have a feeling something is overriding the setting I put here. I've tried clearing all the styles I have applied. The only modifications to the base install I ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by stevennagy on February 14, 2006
  • Re: Using imageeditor.aspx external to the CuteEditor

    Did I mention that my company HAS actually bought a licence for the CuteEditor now? We (Pump Interactive) bought a production machine licence. &nbsp; So please address my support query defined above. &nbsp; Thanks, Steven Nagy
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by stevennagy on February 8, 2006
  • Using imageeditor.aspx external to the CuteEditor

    Hi &nbsp; Is it possible to use the image editor popup (which I believe is in \CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\ImageEditor\imageeditor.aspx to control other image uploads/selections outside of the CuteEditor instance? &nbsp; For example, I have a page template, and there are always 3 images that sit on the right. The user can click these images to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by stevennagy on February 7, 2006