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  • Re: script error

    yes.&nbsp; i cleaned my ide of all cuteeditor, download &amp; re-install.&nbsp; Now the editor rendered ok but when i clicked on the color picker&nbsp;i get: &nbsp; Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'colorsArray' is undefinedand corresponding error for other buttons. &nbsp; from a blank webform with just the cuteeditor on it.&nbsp; Here's my ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by vietvu on February 16, 2006
  • script error

    Hi, I'm getting script error all over the place!&nbsp; I followed install instruction, created a blank form &amp; drop the editor on it &amp; run.and I'm getting: &nbsp; Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'CuteEditorClientClass' is undefined &nbsp; at the hightlighted ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by vietvu on February 16, 2006
  • Re: forecolor

    Also, i want to limit the fonts available to just verdana so i edited the fontname in common.config to have only Verdana but that did not work.&nbsp; what did i miss?
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by vietvu on February 9, 2006
  • Re: forecolor

    thanks that was quick.&nbsp; But after editting this js, i'm the button doesn't work anymore.&nbsp; I got ''Error on page'' ?
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by vietvu on February 9, 2006
  • forecolor

    how can i limit the # of colors in the ForeColor dropdown?
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by vietvu on February 9, 2006