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  • Font and Size fixed in cute editor

    Hi, &nbsp; I want to fix the font and size of the text in the editor.&nbsp; I changed the value in the font properties.&nbsp; Everything is Ok for the font but not for the size.&nbsp; It doesn't change anything.&nbsp; Can you help me? &nbsp; Another question, I want to choose the buttons on the toolbars.&nbsp; I want to use the template word ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by olivierverdin on August 16, 2004
  • How to customize the toolbar?

    Hi, &nbsp; It is probably an easy question. &nbsp; Can you give me an example how to customize the toolbar buttons. &nbsp; I would like to delete the ''save'' button.&nbsp; I already choose the ''simple'' configuration. &nbsp; Thanks for your help, &nbsp; Olivier
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by olivierverdin on July 22, 2004