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  • Re: Community Server 2.0

    I was told by CuteSoft in early February that CuteChat v3.0 would be released within ten days of the release of Community Server v2.0, which was launched about two weeks ago. &nbsp; I think given the v3.0 release is now running behind the schedule you announced, it is reasonable to expect that a new release date is scheduled. &nbsp; When will ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by olliec on March 3, 2006

    It seems to me that CuteSoft has a really neat product in CuteChat, but their customer service is so bad and so erratic that I am actively seeking a solution from another supplier. If anyone knows of another company that sells a product like this please let me know. &nbsp; From looking through this forum, many questions have not been answered by ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by olliec on January 25, 2006