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  • Re: Some chat questions...

    Wow... It more then helps! &nbsp; Still 1 thing is not finished... The wispering function... Can I delete it, and have only private messages. &nbsp; What I mean is to not have the checkbox 'wisper' at all. And not have public communication between 2 persons, but only a private. If you click on a persons name (or choose it from the dropdown ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by shaieden on March 25, 2007
  • Some chat questions...

    Hi &nbsp; After a week working with the chat, I really like it, but have some questions: &nbsp; 1. How long is the trial period? What happens after it ends? 2. After this period, is it possible to stay with the same install, or do we need to have a new install? 3. How do you make it possible to have private messages sent to a user, by only ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by shaieden on March 25, 2007
  • 2 questions about the chat

    Hi! &nbsp; The chat is great! &nbsp; I have 2 questions: &nbsp; 1. Why do I need to choose a name, and also put a V in the checkbox? How Can I change that, so that a private message will be sent when&nbsp;you just click on a user's name? &nbsp; 2. If not using the messenger, what is the purpose of the 'Add contact' - Can I hide ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by shaieden on March 18, 2007
  • Re: JS Error in DNN441 - Chat is not working at al...

    It's working! cool... &nbsp; I didn't clear the cache... &nbsp; It looks so great... ! &nbsp; 1 thing is a bit annoying, the way U send a private message... Why do I need to choose a name, and also put a V in the checkbox? &nbsp; Can I change that, so that a private message will be sent when I just click on a user's ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by shaieden on March 17, 2007
  • Re: JS Error in DNN441 - Chat is not working at al...

    Not working... &nbsp; Just to be sure, Where do I need to put it in the web.config? &nbsp; This is how my appettings section looks like: &nbsp; &lt;appSettings&gt;&lt;add key=''SiteSqlServer'' value=''Server=******;Database=namast1_forums;uid=namast1_admin;pwd=einat2006740''/&gt;&lt;add key=''InstallTemplate'' ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by shaieden on March 17, 2007
  • JS Error in DNN441 - Chat is not working at al...

    Hi I am using dnn441, and trying to use the chat. I have downloaded the last trial version, to check it out. But unfortunaely it just doesn't work. &nbsp; I am getting this js error, whenever I try to enter the rooms: &nbsp; /Desktopmodules/CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/CH_MainForm.aspx?Location=Lobby&amp;LocationId=9,2Invalid ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by shaieden on March 17, 2007
  • Access denied by ACL on resource

    I get this all the time... &nbsp; Did everything was noted on the readme files. And when I surf to the web folder I get this... &nbsp; What is it?
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by shaieden on December 17, 2005