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  • Re: Background image

    Ideally some sort of button.&nbsp; The editor will be used by my customers to create customised html emails.&nbsp; A lot of them want to set a background image to the html email.&nbsp; So I just want a way of allowing them to specify a background image.A table might work as a compromise.&nbsp; &gt; modifing a property inside of the tableWhere ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by paulw20012002 on December 19, 2005
  • Background image

    I'm using the classic ASP version of cute editor. &nbsp; It lets me specify background color property - but is possible to let it specify background image.&nbsp; (I notice the CE I'm writing in lets you do that). &nbsp; If it's not available by default - what would be the best means of doing it programmatically?&nbsp; I'm fluent in JavaScript ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by paulw20012002 on December 17, 2005