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  • Insert Image Popup without enabling Upload

    I like the insert image popup but i don't want my users to be able to upload their images to my server. &nbsp; Is there an option to not display the upload part of that popup or is there just a insert image popup without the upload part? &nbsp; thanks Phil
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by psrendall on January 18, 2006
  • where is my license?

    I have purchased the Cute Editor over paypal.&#160; I have a paypal receipt that says you accepted my payment. &#160; Please tell me how to get my product. &#160; My email address is &#160; Thank you. &#160; Philip Rendall &nbsp; ps... an alternate email address is
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by psrendall on December 12, 2005