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  • Is source control breaking Cute Chat?

    Let me just say from the get-go, Im using an evaluation copy of Cute Chat and I am thinking this may be the cause of my problems. If it is, you probably wont have to read too far. I am integrating Cute Chat with Community Server and storing all of the application code in Microsoft Visual Source Safe. The problem is that my code goes into VSS in ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by jptomlinson on December 2, 2005
  • Re: Unable to Integrate

    The issue can be somewhat annoyingly addressed by moving the .scc files to a temporary folder&nbsp;while testing your app. Obviously this only an issue in a development environment as&nbsp;source safe&nbsp;files do not get published into production. It would still be nice not to have to ''work around'' this problem. &nbsp; Let me ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by jptomlinson on December 2, 2005