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  • Re: Version numbers - a big mess - how to get 5.2

    I agree. Where's the link. Also where's the missing documentation. You have this new config, but you do not tell us how these parameters correspond to the old parameters such as FontFaceList or RemoveServerNamesFromURL or EditCompleteDocument what do we do with these?
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by juliandormon on June 6, 2006
  • Table Edit for button customization

    When I set the EnableAll feature there is a table properties button. But no where to you show the reference for this in your documentation to select this button for my custom layout. How do I refer to this feature. Also why doesn't the Row properties or Cel properties show in Firefox? Thanks.
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by juliandormon on November 24, 2005