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  • Re: Question about functionality before I purchase.

    Thank you for your timely response.&nbsp; I hope you can understand that I have had a bad couple of days with this other editor package which is why my questions were so straight forward.&nbsp; I'm behind the gun to get a project completed and the editor I just spent a week trying to integrate with my application has come up short on ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kressilac on September 27, 2005
  • Question about functionality before I purchase.

    Can someone comment on the following for me: &nbsp; How easy is the integration of the editor with SQL Server?&nbsp; The text in the TEXTAREA?&nbsp; The images to the database.&nbsp; Am I going to struggle with it like I am FreeTextBox.(I have a source code license to that.) &nbsp; Can the custom dialogs for Insert Link, Insert Image etc., ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kressilac on September 27, 2005