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  • Re: Same problem, please help!!!!

    PDP-6100HD61'' High Definition Plasma MonitorHigh Defintion/XGA Resolution (1,365 x 768p) 61'' Diagonal/16:9 Wide-Screen Aspect Ratio PANEL TECHNOLOGY Encased Cell Structure with Black Stripe Coating - This energy design allows each pixel to deliver a more concentrated beam of light, for truer color and brighter images Pure Color Filter for ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jlloyd_tva on September 16, 2005
  • Re: Same problem, please help!!!!

    Adam,&#160;I truly appreciate how fast you are responding, but I am doing exactly&#160;as you are and getting nowhere near the same results.&#160; I used the 2 links you gave me and under both of them i get the identical results.&#160; I sent you screenshots via email, and am not sure what else to do.&#160; I have to admit, i am at a total loss ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jlloyd_tva on September 16, 2005
  • Re: Same problem, please help!!!!

    It definitely is not working correctly in your editor, I am 100% sure of it.&#160; In the page load, I set the disableautoformatting property to true, but it did it anyway.&#160; Should I be doing this elsewhere.&#160; There is nothing else special in my code.&#160;&#160;To reproduce:&#160;goto your own site: ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jlloyd_tva on September 16, 2005
  • Same problem, please help!!!!

    my html code is getting changed all over the place as well and i did try it in the demo:&#160;Try this out, it has some fun results:&#160;&lt;table width=610 background=/itemimages/pdp-6100hd_1.jpg&gt; &#160; &lt;tbody&gt; &#160; &lt;tr&gt; &#160; &lt;td colSpan=2&gt; &#160; &lt;h1 style=''MARGIN: 0.5in 0in 0in ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jlloyd_tva on September 16, 2005