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  • Re: Text justification problem

    OK, I was able to replicate it on your demo.&nbsp; First, enter three lines of text, say: &nbsp; List Element 1 List Element 2 List Element 3 &nbsp; Then make the second element a bullet.&nbsp; No problem right?&nbsp;Now select Clean Up HTML and split the elements up again into three lines again using carriage returns.&nbsp; When you try to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by w3bm3ntors on September 3, 2005
  • Re: Text justification problem

    I have this same issue.&nbsp; I've deleted everything from the text box and then entered three lines of text (using a CR to start a new line.)&nbsp; I then tried to create a list and alternatively right justify only the second line, but it takes the entire three lines. &nbsp; I, too, cannot seem to get this to&nbsp;replicate on your demo, but it ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by w3bm3ntors on September 3, 2005