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  • Re: Development Win2000 Server-Side Error

    Adam, thank you for the reply.&#160; It was a virgin server and once I got the IE 6 Service Pack 1 installed ( all is well.&#160; Again, thank you.
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by honda206 on August 23, 2005
  • Development Win2000 Server-Side Error

    Hi Adam, I am a licensed user and have your scripts in my development server root on my LAN (ie: http://development/).&#160; Win2000 Server edition.&#160; When I browse your default.asp file (or any other files at all using your code -- that I made myself or you provided in the purchased ZIP) I get the following:&#160;HTTP 500.100 - Internal ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by honda206 on August 23, 2005