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  • Re: Installation in Root-Dir

    Hello &nbsp; Thanks for the info, but i did exactly that what you described.I figured out the following: The Cute-Editor works if the Webserver is running on Port 80.For my testing i&nbsp;amusing an other port (9090) and i got the error message (see below) Is it possible, that the Cute-Editor does not work correctly on non standard ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by traub on August 1, 2005
  • Installation in Root-Dir

    Does anybody know, if i can install a webpage with cute-editor in a root-application (my application resides in the web-servers root-dir) The installation instruction assumes that there is an application subdirectory. &nbsp; The first error message indicates that it does not find /template.aspx. Seems this is some kind of path ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by traub on July 31, 2005