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  • DNN 3.1 Release on 11/07 Features

    I apologize in advance if I have missed something but I have downloaded your newly released DNN 3.1 version and will be putting it up on my test server soon so I can replace the version from 9/25 or so.&#160; I was wondering what I should be looking for, or if it was just a here-and-there bug fix version.&#160; If there has been any post of the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jamnaytac on November 14, 2005
  • Any future plans for an 'Auto Save' feature to be included?

    While it would be very complex to save data for individual users, it would provide the ultimate experience for a person managing large portions of content within the text editor.&nbsp; I've seen something similar at work using Gmail, where every few minutes your unsubmitted email will be saved automatically to your drafts folder.&nbsp; I know that ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jamnaytac on October 4, 2005