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  • Customising the tools bars for Cute Editor

    Hi, &nbsp; I would like to know how am I able to reveal or hide certain rows of toolbars for the editor? &nbsp; Example, I would like to hide the ''Formatting'' stretch of toolbar from usage. &nbsp; Thank you. &nbsp; Martin
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by honda_shadow on December 14, 2006
  • Using CSS Class

    Hi, &nbsp; I have been using cute editors for my projects and i really appreciate the functions that this editor can provide. &nbsp; I am intending to implement the CSS Class drop-down seen on the top left of the editor. But the drop-down is empty. &nbsp; May I have some guidelines on how should i create my CSS and how I can install it into ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by honda_shadow on October 27, 2006
  • Hyperlink always includes the hosting URL

    Hi all, &nbsp; I am using Cute Editor Ver 5.3 for .NET and i am facing a problem which I would really love to have some advices. &nbsp; I am hosting the cute editor under this domain name; http://aaa.bbb.ccc &nbsp; Everyone knows that there is a insert hyperlink in the editor. I highlighted some text and inserted a hyperlink (e.g. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by honda_shadow on September 25, 2006