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  • Question on Messenger

    I need a way to let users&nbsp;to add friends to Messenger from an ASPX page. If I add a row in SQL table ''CHAT_USER_USER'', it works only after a new login. How can I do? &nbsp; Thanks Claudio
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by claudio_morandi on November 14, 2005
  • Adding users from ASPX page

    Hi :-) I'd like to add contacts to my Messenger from an external ASPX page.I know that there's&nbsp;the SQL table Chat_User_User, but if I put a new row in that table, I'll find the contact in the messenger only after the next login. So I must logout and login again. What I'd like to obtain is this: while my Messenger is open, I add a new ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by claudio_morandi on October 26, 2005