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  • Re: Medium Trust / Rackspace Cloud

    I fixed the problem. &#160;The site has the following structure: / /CuteSoft_Client /admin The cute editor was being launched from /admin and the settings were in there so the cute editor wasn't getting them. Dave.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by davemuller on June 10, 2010
  • Re: Medium Trust / Rackspace Cloud

    I'm on rackspace cloud as well and am experiencing the same problem. &#160;I have impersonation set. The error occurs when clicking on ''Browse'' in the anchor popup, CuteEditor/Dialogs/SelectFile.aspx line 124 &lt;%= CuteEditor.Impl.FileStorage.FormatSize(secset.MaxDocumentSize * 1024)%&gt; This is what I have in my web.config ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by davemuller on June 6, 2010