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  • Re: obfuscating problem in version 4.5

    Hi Adam,&#160;Thanks for your reply. I saw that you had also made a reply in another thread of this forum, which I overlooked, so posting this message wasn't necesarry.&#160;My appologies for that.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mmbtoby on June 14, 2005
  • obfuscating problem in version 4.5

    I found the following post in the forum about a problem I have with Cute editor 4.5: I have a problem using CuteEditor 4.0. Apparently, the CuteEditor assembly is obfuscated, but so is another component I am using in my project. Both assemblies are obfuscated in such a way that a namespace in one of them matches an internal class name in the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mmbtoby on June 14, 2005
  • Re: Obfuscating

    I've recently downloaded version 4.5 and&#160;it seems that the problem still occures. Has this been fixed in version 4.5?
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mmbtoby on June 10, 2005