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  • Managing Access to Char Rooms

    &nbsp;In your Cute Chat software is there a way to manage which users can access which chat rooms?&nbsp; Also, is there a way to not show any chat rooms until the user has signed in and then once they have signed in only show the chat rooms they have been given access to?&nbsp; Thank you in advance for your help.&nbsp; Have a great ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by PaulGorman on March 1, 2006
  • Cute Chat and SSL

    &nbsp;I have purchased a copy of CuteChat.&nbsp; If I have a website that runs behind a 1024 bit SSL Certificate will your software work with this?&nbsp; Will all the chat sessions and transfers be encryptedw with the 1024 bit encryption because the application is sitting behind this SSL certificate server?&nbsp; Thank you in advance for your ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by PaulGorman on December 13, 2005
  • Cute Chat and SQL Server 2005

    I just wanted to check and make sure that all the current CuteChat SQL Server interaction will be compatible with SQL Server 2005.&nbsp; Thank you in advance. Paul Gorman &gt;&lt;&gt;
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by PaulGorman on July 18, 2005