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  • Re: Error on call to GetDocument

    Hi Adam,&nbsp;thanks a lot, works like a charm.&nbsp;It&#180;s not exactly detailed in the Demo you referred me to but it wasn&#180;t too hard to figure out the rest based on the hints you gave me.&nbsp;For anyone facing a similar problem, sticking to the example given in this thread, here&#180;s what to do to make the editor change color once it ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Incognitobe on April 20, 2010
  • Re: Error on call to GetDocument

    Hi Ken,&nbsp;your example works great on my site, as long as I call 'changeColor' in the onclick event.&nbsp;Now let&#180;s say that I want the editor to change color automatically, once the page has loaded. I would try to attach the function call to the onload event of the window, like this: &nbsp;&lt;script&gt; var editor1 = ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Incognitobe on April 20, 2010
  • Re: Error on call to GetDocument

    Hi Adam,&nbsp;thanks for the reply which sounds quite plausible and would certainly explain the error I&#180;m getting, but I&#180;m quite sure I got the ID right. Here&#180;s a snippet from the html source of the table rendered by the editor (I omitted the style attribute): &nbsp;&lt;table cellspacing=''0'' cellpadding=''0'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Incognitobe on April 19, 2010
  • Error on call to GetDocument

    Hello Everyone,&nbsp;I&#180;m trying to attach an event handler to the editor like it is shown in the demo: &nbsp;var editor1 = document.getElementById('CE_ctl00_mcp_te_editor_ID');var editdoc=editor1.GetDocument(); [...]&nbsp;On the second Line an error occurs: ''Object doesn&#8217;t support this property or method ''.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The code ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Incognitobe on April 16, 2010