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  • Re: Still Lost in installing the scripts HELP!!!!

    hey thanks for taking the time to answer me.&#160; Lets say I have a page called ''AboutUs.asp''&#160; and this web page is already created and designed.&#160; How can I&#160;integrate the CuteEditor into AboutUs.asp?&#160; Shouldn't there be a login where the client needs to enter in order to edit the AboutUs.asp?&#160;
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by wrdz on June 5, 2005
  • Still Lost in installing the scripts HELP!!!!

    Lets see how can I explain this?&#160; I have created a 5 page website to one of my clients, the site consist of images and text only. &#160;I wanted a solution for my client to edit the web pages her self.&#160; So, I purchased CuteEditor for ASP, I uploaded the scripts into my host server, then I create a test.asp with the code like this: ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by wrdz on June 3, 2005
  • How do I get started?

    Hi, I just purchased cute editor for asp and I am lost on how to start using this script.&#160; I've read the manual, but it dosen't mention about adding any lines on my web pages, besides for the ''includes'' line, and setting up enableall.asp and creating an ''uploads'' folder, I understand those steps but, it still dosen't work, what am I ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by wrdz on May 16, 2005