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  • Re: Context Sensitive TAG Menu

    Hi Eric &nbsp; These examples do demostrate how to configure most of the context menu but I really need to be able to change the Tags Menu.&nbsp; By this I mean the menu that is viewed in the following way - Select a link - click the right-hand mouse button so that the context menu appears - select the 'Tags' menu item - select the 'A' menu ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by EstelleS on March 15, 2010
  • Context Sensitive TAG Menu

    Hi &nbsp; Please could someone let me know if it is possible to remove some of the items in the context sensitive Tags menu.&nbsp;&nbsp;I would like to remove the 'font color', 'highlight',&nbsp;'verbs' and 'styles' items from this menu. &nbsp; Thanks &nbsp; Estelle&nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by EstelleS on March 15, 2010