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  • Re: Safari problem

    The config system is Windows Vista 64bit + Safari 4.0.4 (531.21.10)&nbsp;From PHPUploader demo site:&nbsp;&nbsp;
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by cyberware on February 28, 2010
  • Safari problem

    Hi.&nbsp;I'm still testing the PHPUploader. Now I have a problem with Safari browser: The red rectangle should be the button to open the dialog to select the file. &nbsp;Anyone knows what's happening?&nbsp;Thanks!&nbsp;Alessandro &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by cyberware on February 28, 2010
  • Re: Error with large files

    How do I get support for the PHPUploader? Regards,&nbsp;Alessandro
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by cyberware on February 18, 2010
  • Re: Error with large files

    I made some test and found this's happening just when I use the Flash in UploadType... In the SilverLight mode it's go ok, without errors...&nbsp;Do you have any idea what's happening ? &nbsp;Thanks!
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by cyberware on February 15, 2010
  • Error with large files

    Hello! &nbsp; I'm testing the trial version in my site but there a problem here.If I sent a big file, more then 130MB,&nbsp; the uploader give me a follow message error after exact 128MB sent. I tested on IE, FireFox and Chrome.FireFox Erro: Flash : The upload task is interrupted! io Error #2038: Erro do arquivo de E/S. URL: ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by cyberware on February 13, 2010