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  • image path with joomla installation of cute editor

    Im stuck on how to change the &nbsp;image path of&nbsp; uploaded images &nbsp; I installed cute editor into jooma after i already added a lot of images using the default tiny editor of joomla. Now in cute editor it only shows those images as sqare box signifying it cant find the images. The images look ok still on the actual website though ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by fairlands on May 16, 2010
  • Re: Paths on image upload. simple question i hope ?

    Hello Eric &nbsp; Thank you for that link, i am kind of on the right track now ....almost but not quite and woudl realy appreciate some advice on this &nbsp; I edited the image gallery path in the security file &nbsp; from &nbsp; &lt;security name=''ImageGalleryPath''&gt;/uploads/&lt;/security&gt; &nbsp; to &nbsp; &lt;security ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by fairlands on December 9, 2009
  • Paths on image upload. simple question i hope ?

    Hello &nbsp; Ive just started using cute editor for php and we have installed to work with cms made simple. &nbsp; I have a problem and ask if any one can giev some advice please &nbsp; On the site which is not live yet and is on the ip addreess here; &nbsp; &nbsp; When i upload an image from the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by fairlands on December 9, 2009