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  • Any suggestions for using "Master Pages"

    I am currently using Cute Editor 6.4 in a small CMS I am developing.&nbsp;I was quite keen to use the ''template'' functionality of Cute Editor, but am having trouble getting it to work the way I had hoped for.&nbsp;Relating to the template functionality you show the use of ''UNSELECTABLE=''ON'' contenteditable=''false''''. This obviously works in ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Rask77 on November 25, 2009
  • Applying non-physical CSS files to EditorWysiwygModeCss

    I'm using version 6.4 and I am using the EditorWysiwygModeCss to apply my CSS file to the editor. My problem is that my CSS files are stored in a database. E.g: http://myserver/myapp/file.ashx?filename=styles.css &nbsp;Applying this URL to the editor will cause it to thrown an exception saying that it can't find the file.&nbsp;I have had to work ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Rask77 on November 24, 2009