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  • TypeError: Oxa3 is null

    Hi. I&#39;m experiencing some weird&nbsp;behavior for some uploads. We have a site that runs a single physical site for multiple sub domains. For one specific domain I keep getting:&nbsp;TypeError: Oxa3 is null in Firebird after the upload completes. The aspuploader never invokes any OnFileUploaded event that it normally ...
    Posted to ASP Uploader (Forum) by RF001 on October 10, 2013
  • CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.UploadSpeedKB not working?

    Hi &nbsp; I'm having trouble getting the CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.UploadSpeedKBproperty to work properly. Even though it is set in web.config like so: &lt;add key=''CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.UploadSpeedKB'' value=''10'' /&gt; It is still extremely fast to upload on localhost setup. What could be wrong? &nbsp; The upload control is ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by RF001 on October 13, 2009