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  • Re: Get Selected Text

    Problem Solved i was making mistake i the placement of script... &nbsp; &nbsp; Thanks Kenneth.......
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by humarashid on September 6, 2009
  • Re: Get Selected Text

    Thankyou so much Kenneth!!!!!!!! &nbsp; But there is one problem that var editor1 thats get the elementbyid returns null thats why it does not show selected text. I m using IE6 as my web browser. &nbsp; &nbsp; Thanks
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by humarashid on September 6, 2009
  • Get Selected Text

    Hi Everyone!!!!!!!1 &nbsp; I want to get selected text from rich text box and for rich textbox im using cute Editor for net. For Example if&nbsp; a text say ''I m the selected text'' is selected by user how can i get the selected string.. &nbsp; &nbsp; Any help will be greatly appreciated......Please &nbsp; Regards Huma
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by humarashid on September 4, 2009