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  • Re: Problem with Safari extracting value typed into CuteEditor

    Thank you Adam, the solution is to call the getHTML() method, so in my case it is&nbsp;oOtherAnswer.getHTML() and that grabs the contents of the textarea. &nbsp;&nbsp;Really appreciate the help.&nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by cspacemikeb on September 9, 2009
  • Problem with Safari extracting value typed into CuteEditor

    When a user runs Safari,&nbsp;our&nbsp;web app uses&nbsp;javascript to extract the value typed into the CuteEditor, does some validation and posts the data db. The javascript code is invoked when a user clicks Submit.&nbsp; Our problem is that the code works flawlessly on other browsers (IE7, FF3 (pc and mac), but under Safari an empty value is ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by cspacemikeb on September 4, 2009
  • Re: Table support on Safari 3 and 4

    Thank you for your reply. &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; I used the demo and was able to reproduce the behavior I'm seeing with Safari. &nbsp;Essentially, if you click the insert table button and choose a 2x2 table, the right structure is produced, however, the word 'cell' is present in each cell, and there are double lines representing the borders of the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by cspacemikeb on June 30, 2009
  • Table support on Safari 3 and 4

    When adding a table in the asp version of cute editor using Safari 3 and 4, the sizing handles normally visible when doing the same thing with FF3 (on mac and pc) are not shown.&nbsp;&nbsp; The word 'cell' is shown in each cell.&nbsp; I didn't see a way to insert table columns or rows.&nbsp; Is there something I need to do to configure this ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by cspacemikeb on June 29, 2009