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  • Re: Moving the editor in the DOM

    Thanks for the response, I actually had a variable in my version that referenced the .CientId so that wasn't the issue. &nbsp; When you run that code does the control still work? For me it becomes unresponsive.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Megabeans on June 18, 2009
  • Re: Moving the editor in the DOM

    Thanks for the links but this is not quite what I am looking for. &nbsp; UserFloatToolbar.aspx - Unfortunatly this only unclutters the interface when the user is not activly working with an instance of cuteeditor. It requires that each editable area on my page is displayed as a text box with a fixed height and width (I don't want this, I will ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Megabeans on June 17, 2009
  • Moving the editor in the DOM

    Hi, &nbsp; New to cute editor, upgrading from FCK! &nbsp; I am working on an application where I will show existing text or place holders which will, when clicked, display a cute editor with the content that was on the page (if any). &nbsp; This will allow me to show the user a preview of the page (We will have 3-6 of these editable content ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Megabeans on June 16, 2009