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  • Joomla-The area you are attempting to access is forbidden

    I am using CuteEditor PHP Joomla edition and cannot insert anything into the editor including images and hyperlinks. &nbsp; At all times I get ''The area you are attempting to access is forbidden''&nbsp; - I have looked at the posts from other users and have tried all that has been suggested and nothing is working.&nbsp; I have checked and ensured ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by FarshadV on October 13, 2009
  • Re: Joomla Editor CSS

    Thanks for your help.&nbsp; I have modified the source code as instructed and have hard coded the path to my CSS file.&nbsp; &nbsp; The document is now shown correctly but the styles are still not listed in the CSS drop down of the editor.&nbsp; How can&nbsp; get the editor to show the list of avaiable styles?&nbsp; And is it possible to remove ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by FarshadV on October 9, 2009
  • Joomla Editor CSS

    I have just installed the Joomla edition of the CuteEditor and would like to know how to include additional CSS to the editor. &nbsp; I have tried adding relative path to my CSS for the ''EditorWysiwygModeCss'' as well as full path like '''' and the list of classes still do not show up.&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by FarshadV on October 4, 2009