You searched for the word(s): font
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1. How to edit drop down list box? For example Css class, Inline style, paragraph, font, size, links.....Pleas check:
Font Name dropdown Customizationhttp://cutesoft.net/developer+guide/FontName_dropdown_Customization.htm Font Size dropdown ...
I have a problem with the CSS:
I have a CSS file with this code:
.Enews_Edito{ FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 10px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 10px; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; ...
Please use the following code:
<%@ Page Language=''C#'' ContentType=''text/css'' %>
<%@ OutputCache Duration=''31536000'' VaryByParam=''None'' Location=''Client'' %>
<script runat=''server''>
string editorid;
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
//do not call base's OnInit , skip the theme ...
We observed following issues in Cute Editor. Can you please suggestion solutions for this?
1. Copy some data from Word to Cute editor control this would give a warning and clicking on OK would paste the Data but the at the End it puts 'v' at the end.
2. Put some 100 characters in cute editor and click on the ...
I cannot get the class list to populate. The configuration path
is set to myUser.config (path omitted) and all tools appear as expected
including the changes to the FormatBlock. However, the css class
list is empty.
Thanks for the help
I have my AutoConfigure/myUser.config file to include
When I copy this from the ''Normal View'' <a class=''go'' href=''http://www.texxonutilities.com/pdfs/Texxon%20Client%20Reference%20List%2012-6-04.doc'' target=''_blank''>» Commercial References</a> It actually pastes this:<a class=''go'' ...
Great. So how do I go about doing that? I tried by changing the items inside the style tags (see below), but that didn't seem to have any effect. Please advise. Thanks, Kris.
html, body, button, div, input, select, td, fieldset { font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; vertical-align: top;};
.colorPreview{ height:16px; ...
1. Why did it add the FONT tags again? Why did it add 2 additional FONT tags the 2nd time?
In the next version, we will use span tag instead of font tag.
For example, you select a class read color <span class=readcolor>Some Text</span>
If so select the another class, it will remove the existing ...
Try the following code:
background-color: white;
FONT-WEIGHT: normal;
FONT-SIZE: 11px;
COLOR: #000000;
FONT-FAMILY: ''Trebuchet MS'';
text-decoration: none;
line-height:1.5; ...
Chaplain Doug,
Please check the Editor.EditorBodyStyle and EditorWysiwygModeCss property.
Editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss Property
Specifies the location of the style sheet that will be used by the editable area. Multiple Style Sheets are supported. Example ...
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