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Hi Eric, 1. I guess I wasn't clear enough on my first question. All I want to do is just hide the list of canceled files but still display the other files (e.g., files in the queue waiting to be uploaded). For example: let's say I select a large file to upload and I cancel it while the upload is in the middle. That file will show up in the ...
Dear Eric,
found it, however, this is not what i am looking for. I think you assume that after the user has filled in some data en selected the file, i want to upload it. But that's not the intention, because the files can be up to 400 mb, I want that the user is able to select each time 1 file, but start uploading when the user has a ...
Thanks for your response Adam! That almost solved my problem but it gives me the name of the tag on the whole document (i e the icon or the table that the Editor is in) not the tag within the Editor.I suppose what I'm looking for is something like alert(editor1.event.srcElement.tagName); How can I achieve that?/thanks
Thanks lot Adam... Version 6.2
It's working fine..... But i have doubt Adam, how to disable the expand buttons. when select a image(not only image the table also) the anchor option come to increase height and width.please refer the attached screen shot.
so please give me solution to disable this ...
Hi Adam,
Sorry, but I don't understand your question. As I mentioned in previous post we use the latest (version CuteEditor version. The FileProvider class is part of this dll. According to me, it's not possible (in a normal way) to use two versions of CuteEditor simultaneously.
We have created our own FileProvider ...
Thanks for your quick reply!
I am actually trying to upgrade my CMS on an existing site, so I created a separate folder and db for you to view and test.
Please go to:
and login as abc/123. You will come to a menu page, with a menu on top with one item, about us. Please click the menu ...
Adam, I just downloaded the latest version (ASP 6.01) and my problem was solved.
BTW, I love the new stuff in 6.01...
1- Modal window ... VERY NICE!
2- New tab Style builder... wow, there is a lot of choice there.. viva CSS !!!
3- No need to zoom out in the '' insert template'' modal window
4- Table wizard more powerfull
5- Less ...
It looks like the editor is having an issue with a .htc file I am linked to within my .css file. I took out the class that references the .htc file and everything seems to work fine. I'm not quite sure why? There is another .htc file referenced in my style sheet that is not causing any issues. Also, the class that was ...
Hi Adam,
Thanks for your Response.
However I am not able to extract solution to my problem from the demo you suggested.
For simplicity I am sending my RTF that needs to be converted to HTML.
The problem is that FormText are not getting converted ...
Hi Adam,
missed that completely, and it makes sense.
However, that does still not explain how I disable the ''alternate'' menu.
For example, in my Default.config I disabled the style property. It is gone as it should be.
However, when I insert a table, right-click, I get a tag option which is fine. This tag option however spans ...
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