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Hi HighConcept,
There is not a base directory.
For example,
1. I have the page below at the root of my test site.
<?php include_once(''cuteeditor_files/include_CuteEditor.php'') ; ?>
Thanks for the interest.
1/ Is it included resize/crop/rotate image features in PHP version ?
A: This feature is only available in the .NET version right now. We will include this feature in PHP version soon.
2/ Is it possible to edit safely Javascript code including in my html pages ?
A: Yes. You need ...
If anyone else has this problem add these two lines into the LoadHTML function
$s = str_replace(''<?php'',''<?php'',$s);
$s = str_replace(''?>'',''?>'',$s);
This will render the php code as a string, then make sure you replace them ...
This still seems to be an issue... I have theEditor.AllowEditServerSideCode = true; But when I load theEditor.Text = ''<?php ..... ?>'' ; The editor is shows up blank. There is no text visible and even when I switch to HTML view, nothing shows up. Any idea how to ...
>> I found on the the line 140 (include_CuteEditor) the conversion.
No, Cute Editor doesn't do the convertion. You can check the include_CuteEditor.php file yourself.
The following code is wrong:
Hi BlackAce,
First, you can refer to the document at http://phpfileuploader.com/document/
To retrieving the uploaded file, save to your server, change file name Etc, please refer to http://phpfileuploader.com/document/scr/Deployment.htm step 3, it shows you how to handle the upload file store location and the file name after ...
Goodday Devs of the AJAXuploader, Today we decided to redo some structures on our webserver and in doing so decided that we'd use a symlink to our webroot and such. The result; Error: CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_Initialize is not defined
Line: 0 Now, don't worry! I fixed it! The ...
Hello Eric,
yes!! the editor is on the right place, but I have now is by a new problem:
the toolbars are not visible and ms internet explorer writes:
Details zum Fehler auf der Webseite
Benutzer-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET ...
Hi I am wondering why Cute Editor for PHP (JOOMLA 1.5) Isnt working for File Uploads.
Or Create A New Folder
In my Security files I have this line on Line 50 in Deafault.config
<!-- Allow upload, disable the delete,create funtion -->
What does this acutally mean. Everything in Allow Upload is ...
Hi,I want to know if I can remove the CSS from /CuteEditor_Files/Themes/Office2007/style.php?EditorID=CE_message_ID and put it in my main CSS. I know that it is little but I want to move all my resources to a CDN. I also think that a CSS in the page body blocks my page render until it is loaded.
Thank you,Mircea
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