You searched for the word(s): table
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Hi gitarjake,
Should be (Use single quotes)
editorconstant._CreateEditingTableStyle = ''<table Style='border-collapse: collapse' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width='500'>'';
editorconstant._CreateEditingTableStyle = ''<table Style=''border-collapse: collapse'' ...
Hi nice guys, I want to display photos after user choose multifiles from uploader box(but not yet upload) So I have th code like this: <script>
uploader=document.getElementById(''<%=FileInput.ClientID ...
Is it possible to add default style to a table?For Ex: If I click Insert Table button on the cuteeditor, is it possible to change the table properties by default?
i.e after adding a table, instead of changing the table style by right clicking on the table and changing properties, I should get the table displayed with some ...
Major disappointment. Just purchased the CuteEditor for ASP component, and uploaded it. Found that the popups show no content. As my site is hosted, I dont have access to set special IIS settings, and it would be no more than resonable to assume, that the product should work with IIS default settings.
Please make a fix HIGH ...
But you siad got this problem with the table, and the html code you provided has no table there. I do not know how to reproduce the issue with the code you send. Can you provide the full steps?
Also is there any way we can make the image non resizable. Yes, set EnableObjectResizing to false will disable the resize function. <CE:Editor ID=''editor1'' runat=''server'' EnableObjectResizing=''false''> </CE:Editor> Regards, Ken
I now have a table that converts to pdf when it has no border. When the table has a border then it gives in de pdf reader.
An unrecognized token .....
You can try this code :
<script type=''text/javascript''>
var internalobj;
var hasprogress=false;
function ShowProgress()
function ...
I use CuteEdit to allow my client to send emails. I actually even wrote a mini scripting language to allow replace of names, address,etc similar to how word does merging, but the merging is done outside of CuteEdit. I only allow CuteEdit to create the content, and not the html headers around the email so I have better ...
Ok, let me do a better job of explaining what I need. How do you set the attributes of a table once it has been inserted? Double clicking on the table does nothing. We need to set things like cellpadding, cellspacing, width, etc.
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