
You searched for the word(s): cuteeditor 4.6'A=0
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  • Re: Reviewing the CuteEditor Database example

    Hi jfeeney,   In this example,you can click the save button of  editor to save the text. example:   <%@ Page Language=''C#'' %> <%@ Register TagPrefix=''CE'' Namespace=''CuteEditor'' Assembly=''CuteEditor'' %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ''-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kenneth on October 12, 2008
  • CuteEditor stopped working, Banging head against wall. need help

    Hi, Ive had  cuteeditor running in a application for some time now. Ive made changes to the app itself ( nothing effecting the cute editor) and all runs fine on my machine. But if i placed the compiled app up to our staging server, which runs cute editor fine, i now get this error whenever i goto a page with cute on it ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ghost_fish on March 19, 2008
  • Deployed app giving an error - works ok on local machine

      I downloaded the trial app, installed it on my pc and coded it into my app.  It all works just fine.  I deployed it to a web server to test and get the following error, see below.  I recopied the bin files and the whole CuteSoft_Client directory in case I had missed something.  Any ideas, I was wondering if the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by debn on April 1, 2007
  • Re: Cuteeditor folder

    Scott,   The CuteEditor dialogs need to read some information from the CuteEditor.dll at runtime.   When you change the FilesPath property, you need to make sure the CuteEditor dialogs can find the CuteEditor.dll.   In your case, try create a bin folder under respository folder and copy the CuteEditor.dll into ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on January 25, 2006
  • Demo Version Parser Error

    Hi,   I have just tried toload the demo version c# demo and i get the following error. Can anyone help?   Parser Error Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately. Parser Error ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by stuart on October 4, 2005
  • Re: CuteEditor and AJAXControlToolKit

    jrat: Good day.   I have license for CureEditor.   When i add CuteEditor into AJAXControlToolKit ( - i have serious problem with addition wandow from CuteEditor.   When i click (for example) Insertimage (into CuteEditor) - modal div for Imsert ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on May 25, 2009
  • Re: CuteEditor Developer licence

    Dear Dominic, CuteEditor can't be included into any open source project as part of the product  as CuteEditor is a commercial one. Other than that, you can include CuteEditor into all other projects which is covered by your developer license. For example you sell your own CMS source code which includes CuteEditor, it's covered by your ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by Karen on May 6, 2009
  • Re: need help for replace insert image or insert gallery window in cuteeditor

    sky2000: hi. in my website ,i need to insert user upload file information into my i need  replace insert image or insert gallery window in cuteeditor.   i add a custom button in my cuteeditor,open a window by javascript.but i don't know how to paste html to cuteeditor in new opener.   some one can help ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on August 29, 2008
  • CuteEditor can do the job

    CuteEditor can do just the thing 1. change the text and/or images in existing web pages 2. add new pages   CuteEditor can be integrated into well known CMS, such as DNN, Community Server, IBuySpy, Rainbow portal, it can also work as standalone or integrated into your own project. This link shows you how to use CuteEditor in ...
    Posted to FAQ (Forum) by Karen on April 26, 2006
  • Re: The file '/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Dialogs/Template.aspx' does not exist

    Hi -    We've been seeing this issue for months.   We updated to the latest version last night and are still seeing it:   14:07:10 Err 1088 File '/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Dialogs/Template.aspx ' not found /CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Dialogs/Template.aspx System.Web.HttpException: The file ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jfoster100 on July 27, 2011
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