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Hi chetangunjikar,
Please try demo http://cutesoft.net/example/general.aspx, if the demo work for you, please download the latest build and try again.
Latest build downlaod url: http://cutesoft.net/downloads/folders/21904/download.aspx
The upgrade is free.
Dear qsun@ngenera.com,
Can you reproduce it in http://cutesoft.net/example/general.aspx? This is V6.6 which is latest release, I advise you upgrade to it.
The download url is http://cutesoft.net/downloads/folders/cute_editor_current_releases/entry21904.aspx
Hi Ken,Thanks for looking into this issue. I have sent you an email to the email address you stated. Regards, Qian
When upload files over a few MBs i get this client side Javascript alert error and the file doesn't upload:
''Unable to find the uploaded file in directory: C:\Inetpub\testsite\root\UploaderTemp''
I only get this error when using the 2.0 version, not 1.0
any clue?????
Dear jerry2,
1. If I buy now and new version appears soon, do I have to buy again?
Minor version upgrade will be free. We may charge the upgrade free for major version upgrade.
2. I meant image uploade in RTE like image/file manager one, not the uploader that is a separate product. Can I somehow use the ...
A change log would be nice, thank you.
FWIW, I just uninstalled version 2.0 of the chat client, and installed version 4.1, and pointed it at our production back-end (still running same server-side code) and everything appears OK so far. Our plan is to upgrade me, then the rest of our client apps, then upgrade the server code off-hours. ...
I purchased CuteEditor for ASP V4.0 in July 2005. Can I upgrade for free to V4.2?
.net version upgrade to the latest is free of charge
yes, it's vs 5.3.
Which version of Safari are you running?
This is happening not only to me but also one of my clients who is a MAC user and trying to copy & paste his internet articles as mentioned above. We're on two different computers. He says he's running Safari 2.04.
This ...
Hi Ken,
thx very much for the reply
regarding to seconde issue ''change font''. I understand that is the regualr html tags. However, I couldn't control the user's input. and it seems to be fine in other html editor such as FCK editor. Our users were all very experienced in FCK and now we upgrade our system with CuteEditor and keep ...
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