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  • Re: What version of cute editor for ASP ?

    Hi Adam   I just copied it from your demo site and adjusted the paths (of course this version does not save anything on submit) - here is the whole file: <!-- #include file = ''CuteEditor_Files/include_CuteEditor.asp'' --> <html>   <head> <title>EditAll</title> <meta name=''Expires'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by olivierr on September 2, 2005
  • We are in a final stage of product completion and at this point we have to rethink about the cute editor replacement .

    Hi   We are using cute editor for web application with two options on a screen viz. one with full toolbar() and other with custom toolbar which is controlled by following code snippet:   private void GetEditorSettings()     {                 if ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by syntellisoft on April 7, 2014
  • Re: Pasting from outside editor into cute editor from firefox

    Thanks for the info maximus but i am wondering if there is anything else that can be done about this. IF you use the editor in IE and look at the code it creates it is all indented the same way dream weaver does it but the editor in firefox always shows the code without indents. See here Open it in IE and ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by jlsmedia on January 29, 2007
  • Cute Editor for ASP

    I'm interesting in order this solution, but I have a doubt. In the order page, it states that the product is the version 4.0 and you have a ''advertisment'' about an upgrade to the 4.1 version. And also in the order page, the upgrade from 4.0 to the 4.1 is $50. So, I'd like to know if in case of ordering it, which version I get? The 4.0 and have ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by Anonymous on July 28, 2005
  • Re: Install directory of Cute Editor for ASP question

    jonpfl, >>What is the bare minimun to install to get this to run.  I do not need all the examples on the test server   You can use one skin file if possible.   You can leave one simple example page like:   <!-- #include file = ''CuteEditor_Files/include_CuteEditor.asp'' --> ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on April 30, 2010
  • Re: Multiple Instances of Cute Editor

    Hi HarryV, 1. Is this fairly easily doable with a licensed version of CE for one domain?  yes, you just need to follow to deploy CuteEditor on your site. And then follow steps 4 to put editor into any page you need. 2. If so,  what is the best way to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kenneth on November 4, 2010
  • Re: how to generate cute editor in the code without using the tag prefix cute editor????

    scheineden,   CuteEditor for .NET works as .NET server control. You have to register CuteEdtior on the top of your aspx pages.   In CuteEditor for ASP, you have the option to use Editor.GetString Method.     This function returns what the Draw function used to write to the response buffer as a string. Example Code ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on July 24, 2006
  • CSS bugs in Cute Editor for .NET 5.0

    I have just installed Cute Editor for .NET 5.0. I am experiencing a couple of bugs with the CSS support, as demonstrated by the attached sample from my Web site, which uses ASP.NET 2.0 Beta 2 (I have simplified my Web site so much for this test, though, that I think everything except the ''web.config'' file would work under ASP.NET 1.1). To ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by JFBunch on September 12, 2005
  • Re: Asking for comments about the Cute Editor and DNN

    Rob, Thanks for the interest. Does it have an inbuilt spelling checker? YES.    Does it automatically respect the DNN folder permissions - for example, when someone of a particular user-role using it to find or upload a file or picture, does it grant access to only those folders that that role has the right permissions ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 13, 2008
  • Re: What version of cute editor for ASP ?

    Helloooooo - almost another month is gone - what support does CuteSoft offer to this problem? I'm pretty convinced that this problem occurs in all non-english installations! One can blame Microsoft or provide a fix. The simplest fix I can think of would be to output all boolean argments via a Function, i.e. someting like: Function ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by olivierr on September 18, 2005
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