
You searched for the word(s): Cute Editor for ASP
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  • Re: IE 5.5 SP2 Failure Final Update...RE-VISITED 2006...

    mat41,   1. Cute Editor for ASP works in IE 5.5.   Here is a screenshot: 2.  Cute Editor has been tested with the following browsers:         5.50.4030.2400  Internet Explorer 5.5 & Internet Tools Beta      5.50.4134.0100  Internet Explorer 5.5 for ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on April 11, 2006
  • Re: IE6 incredibly slow

    AndyFel,   There are something wrong. V6 should load two times faster than version 5.3.   Can you run the following examples using IE7 and IE6, then let me know the result?   (Cute Editor for .net)   (Cute Editor for ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on August 15, 2007
  • Re: CuteEditor 6.0 for ASP Javascript error obj_Editor1 is not an object

    m245,   After you get the editor instance, your code will work: // get the cute editor instance. In the following example, we assume your editor ID is : Editor1   var editor1 = document.getElementById('CE_Editor1_ID');    //Get the editor content var editdoc=editor1.GetDocument(); ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on July 30, 2007
  • URGENT: Help with CuteEditor and UTF-8 Charset not displaying properly! Please Help!

    Hi there, We are using CuteEditor for classic ASP v6   We are having a problem with UTF-8 charsets displaying properly within the CUTE editor when calling re-records from a DB, such as when we wish to edit them.  The same records show fine on pages with no editor, by adding the following line of META to the head:   <meta ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by NPPLDeveloper on March 1, 2010
  • Re: IE6 incredibly slow

    covalense: Hi Adam,                       It is taking more than 10 seconds for us to load the cuteEditor with normal configuration.we just need only the 15 functionalities of cuteEditor so we tried to remove the rest from the configuration file ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on August 14, 2007
  • Upgrades...

    Support at CuteSoft,   If we have a license for a particular Cute Editor (Cute Editor for ASP, or Cute Editor for .NET) do you give free upgrades to those versions if a customer already owns the license.  Example: I own a license for Cute Editor for ASP, and the version of it currently on your site is different from mine.  Do you ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by erjjones on August 2, 2007
  • Re: right to left (rtl) support in Cute Editor for ASP

    Daniel, We will release the version 5.0 in october.Before this release we will release a minor version to resolve the current issues.  
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on September 23, 2005
  • Cute editor functions not working in IE

    Hi,     We had integrated Cute editor for ASP ver 6. to our content management system application. But When trying to open it in IE, most of the functions are not working. But it is working fine in other browsers like mozilla, safari, etc. The url for the demo of the application is given below. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Jyothish on July 16, 2007
  • How to Set the Background of my Text Area.

    Cute Editor 6.3.  Visual Web Developer 2008 Express.  Visual Basic.   I have a Cute Editor in my web page (I am designing my site using Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008).  No matter what I do, when the editor comes up, the area in which I type my text has a grey cross-hatched background (which is what I have defined as the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Chaplain Doug on August 13, 2009
  • Upload images to a separate server

    Problem: I need to upload and store images on a separate server other than the server running the cute editor.   Environment:   Windows 2003 running IIS6.  IE 7 (7.0.5730.13) Cute Editor for .Net    CuteEditor.dll (    CuteEditor.ImageEditor.dll (   Solution so ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by dgertz on March 14, 2008
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