
You searched for the word(s): Cute Editor for ASP
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  • Installation problems - error message "Expected 'End'"

    Hi!   Just purchased Cute Editor for ASP v. 5.2, installed it on my website, but I get the following error message (read below) - is there anyone who knows what could be wrong? I have not altered anything in the files I got in the package, I have only uploaded them to the correct folders. The same fault message is displayd when I try to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by BeeJay on February 6, 2007
  • Re: We have a problem om w3c validation when we use the cutesoft editor

    version? we can see the Cute Editor for ASP 6.0 in a help document. Yes, Editor creates the <Font> tage property. we didn't give any script like UseFontTags=''flase'' ect., if we can make standard with this script. where can we get the more help to solve this kind of problem?
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by cbrman on October 26, 2007
  • Re: How to store the HTML code into database(microsoft access)

    Thank for help. i try to copy your coding to inside but show out the error is below   Error Type: ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CB3) Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype. /prototype/CuteEditor2/default.asp, line 14 Browser Type: Mozilla/4.0 ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by zhihow on July 25, 2008
  • Re: Thumbnails

    Hi,   I checked that link and I don't think you understood my question. I am trying to find an easy way to create thumbnails in a website that I am building in ASP.Net 2.0 not give thumbnail functionality to my users. I was asking for a code sample. I assume that I can't do what I want to do in Cute Editor. But thanks for the quick replies. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by SteveP55419 on November 9, 2006
  • Re: Another Pound Symbol Problem

    Hi   Yes I do have the email but when I download the zip file the help file in the document folder still reads ''Cute Editor for ASP 6.0 document''. Is this an error or is it still the old version? Is there anything else I can check to see if it is the new version before I upload all the files to my remote server?   Thanks
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by rubikwizard on June 16, 2008
  • Re: What's new in CuteEditor 6.3?

    Cute Editor is updated on 03-15-2009. -Fixed: Editor renders as textarea using FireFox 2.0 on Mac.   -Fixed:  HTML view bugs in FF 3.0 -Fixed: Layout issue with Jquery tab -Fixed: Receiving JavaScript Error on AJAX ...
    Posted to News and Announcements (Forum) by Adam on March 16, 2009
  • Re: Cute Editor 6;0 Form field probs

    No because I am not creating the initial source for that page....   What would it do if you put a little form on the page with form and /form tags and a text box.. does it mess up the code you specify?   I did type in a form on that page in html mode, and it does mess with the code, probably actually fixing it.   One thing ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by rwhawkes on May 22, 2007
  • Editing Static/HTML content problem - urgent!!

    Ive recently bought Cute Ediotr for ASP and am trying to edit a static HTML page and then save it. However so far I have been unsucceful.   I am using the sample file Edithtml.asp. However when i make the changes to the HTML and then click the save button I get the error message:Permission denied/testsite/editor/include_CuteEditor.asp, line ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by zain on January 4, 2006
  • Upload Folder and user-specific image files. Please send help.....

    I have search the forum for posts that pertain to creating a site and using the Cute Editor ASP version where all users share the same upload folder. Is there a way to partition the upload folder such that there is no need to created additional folders to support the many users signed up to the site and are using the Cute Editor application. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by SDorsett on March 8, 2005
  • Re: Enter Key Space Issues in ASP Cute Editor

    Bikram,   Please check the following example and find the correct option for your projects.   Keep me posted
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on July 23, 2010
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