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1. It looks like you are running PHP version 4.0. This applicatio need PHP 5.0.
Please run the following file in your server.
// Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL
2) How do I create a new Cute Editor class ...
Hi sahar,
Can you get the file name from your client what he tried? And do you get the same issue with that file name? He gets the same problem with the same file every time? Does your client gets the same problem on http://phpfileuploader.com/demo/form-simple-upload.php too?
Please open plugins\editors\phphtmledit.php and modify the following code:
$ImageGalleryPath = $this->params->def( 'ImageGalleryPath', $url .'/images/stories' );
$FlashGalleryPath = $this->params->def( 'FlashGalleryPath', $url .'/images/stories/' );
$MediaGalleryPath = $this->params->def( 'MediaGalleryPath', $url ...
We use your CuteEditor for ASP.NET but now we want to use CuteEditor for PHP too.
Can we use the same license for CuteEditor for PHP or shall we buy new license ?
Dear cyberguy28, Yes, you can limit the number of photos, you can create custom file handler. Please refer to the following snippet:Custom file upload handlerIf you need further control over the parsing of the file uploading request, you can write a custom file upload handler. In handler page (UploadUrl) developers can rename the uploaded ...
How to change default editor of Vivvo to Cute Editor?
Step 1: Open admin/include.php file and in the bottom of this file, set
$wysiwyg_editor = ''cute'';
Step 2: Create a new file, name it to article_add_cute.tpl. Copy the content of article_add_tiny.tpl into it. Then delete tinyMCE javascript ...
Hi Harleengrover,
What browser/version you are testing?
Do you get the same problem on demo page http://phphtmledit.com/EnableAll.php?
If the demo works for you, I suggest you download the latest version to try again.
Latest version download ...
Hello Eric
Thank you for that link, i am kind of on the right track now ....almost but not quite and woudl realy appreciate some advice on this
I edited the image gallery path in the security file
<security name=''ImageGalleryPath''>/uploads/</security>
to ...
Thanks for the response, Adam, but your code doesn't work in Firefox. It works in IE 7 though. I've not tested it in anything else yet. Below is a link to the page where I'm running your code, and below that is the exact code I'm using: ...
Hi DBarsri, I tried the following code, those two highlighted code are commented, this example works fine on my end, the mvcfle return correct value, please check whether those highlighted code leads to your issue: <?php require_once ''phpuploader/include_phpuploader.php'' ?>
<?php session_start(); ?>
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