
You searched for the word(s): Cute Editor for ASP
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  • Re: Cute Editor for ASP.NET

    Both CuteEditor for .NET an CuteEditor for ASP are a textarea replacement. It doesn't contain the user management system. 
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on September 19, 2005
  • Where do I download the latest version of the software?

    Cute Editor for ASP 5.0 is what I have... how do I know what the latest hotfix/patched version is and where can I get it ... do you have some mechanism for letting your clients know if a hotfix version is available?   I didn't even get a notification that V5.0 was released, for heaven's sake.   ..Rick..
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by rwhawkes on January 29, 2006
  • Re: populating the editor via listbox c#/javascript, how to refernce the textareas ID

    Dear AWilderbeast,   Please refer to the following code:   Default5.aspx: <%@ Page Language=''C#'' AutoEventWireup=''true'' CodeFile=''Default5.aspx.cs'' Inherits=''Default5'' %> <%@ Register TagPrefix=''CE'' Namespace=''CuteEditor'' Assembly=''CuteEditor'' %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ''-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Eric on January 13, 2011
  • Editor Issue

    Hi,   i used the ''cute editor for dotnet'' in an aspx page. i have to load this page in an asp wrapper page in an iframe.   when i access the aspx page directly the editor functions well.   but when i access it through the asp wrapper page the ''insert image'', ''insert flash'','' insert media'' and a few other editor ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Madhuri_M on May 5, 2009
  • What's new in version CuteEditor for ASP 5.2?

    New Features and Improvements: New memeber (PastePureText) has been added into PasteBehavior Enumeration. Member Name Description Default When you paste text into the editor it is not processed. Disabled Paste function is disabed. PasteCleanHTML When you pasting the html code into the editor, the empty tags, redundant ...
    Posted to News and Announcements (Forum) by Adam on June 6, 2006
  • Which licence? (Cute Editor for ASP)

    Hi,   I expect I will be purchasing two licences, but am unsure which will suit best.   As a solo developer I develop a lot of web sites, all bespoke but using common libraries of code, some of which are hosted on my server and some on other ISPs. So the developer licence seems to be the best bet except that I use a laptop when away ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by Anonymous on October 4, 2006
  • Re: CuteEditor for ASP

    pelina:How can I download  the trial version of CuteEditor for ASP ? Cute Editor for ASP free trial version is available for download now! Demo: Download:
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on November 13, 2009
  • Re: CuteEditor in a DataGrid (ASP.NET / C#)

    Hi,   Yes I would do this but when I view the source to see the how the cute editor controls are rendered in the datagrid they have dollar signs in the names e.g. id=''DataListNews$ctl01$Editor1''. I have to edit your callInsertImage javascript for this and the dollar signs make it fail. Any ideas? Thanks, Dave  
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by DaveVernon on March 19, 2009
  • Re: Gettings errors when I overwrote CE for DNN 4X with CE for DNN 5X

    I cannot find any error message related to Cute Editor.   Please remove the Cute Editor from DNN and download Cute Editor for DNN 5.0   Then follow the instructions ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on March 3, 2010
  • Re: Using cute editor for in pure html

    Cute Editor is not a pure JavaScript solution. There are many security settings must be set in the server side. The client code is also dynamically created.   Cute Editor is available in ASP.NET, Classic ASP and PHP.   Hope it helps.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on May 5, 2010
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