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  • Font styles with tables

    We've noticed a couple problems when trying to change the style of fonts within and outside a table. Please follow the following steps to reproduce the problems: 1. Insert a table consisting of one column and two rows. 2. In the first row, add some text&nbsp;(e.g., ''line1'') 3. In the second row, add some text (e.g., ''line2'') 4. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by paulc on November 21, 2005
  • Inserted html row or column style

    When I insert a row or column to a table that has a specific style, the newly inserted rows or columns lose the style formatting. An easy way to see this is by creating a simple table in Microsoft Word and pasting that table into a Cute Editor (click Cancel when asked if you want to clean the code). Then, using Cute Editor, insert a row or column ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by paulc on November 16, 2005