
You searched for the word(s): table
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  • New sample for new client/server side API :

    Make sure you use the last version.   One of the new version has bug on the ViewState of the ClientData property. <%@ Page Language=''C#'' %> <%@ Import Namespace=''CuteWebUI'' %> <%@ Register TagPrefix=''CuteWebUI'' Namespace=''CuteWebUI'' Assembly=''CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader'' %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ''-//W3C//DTD ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by cutechat on September 3, 2009
  • Bugs in Safari/Mac: Inserting Links and Editing HTML Tables

    Hey guys,   we're using Cute Editor for .NET in the latest version (I think) in a CMS application. One of our customers is using a Mac with safari and just reported it's not possible to edit and insert links and to edit HTML tables. I verified that with the latest Safari release: you can insert a hyperlink and open the window for an ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Thomas69 on June 17, 2008
  • Pdf Generated doesnt maintain css

    Im generating a pdf from html and it seems to be ignoring the css in the document. The css is all located at the top of the html, in the head section.   Is there something I am doing wrong.    Here is what im converting :   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ''-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by staplebottom on April 16, 2008
  • Track Cursor position in editor window for custom pasteHTML

    I had a custom treeview control on same page as my editor so when i clicked a treenode i wanted code to insert into the editor.  However, doing so the editor would lose the cursor position and insert at beginning of document.  I noticed a number of posts that wanted some similar function but all the code samples were spread across ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by gthelp on September 12, 2007
  • Unselectable and contenteditable

    One of the interesting features of the editor is the ability to protect a template.  However, it is certainly not foolproof.  Even if a <div> is set to be unselectable and uneditable, you can still delete stuff within it and change properties.   Any chance you will fix this in 6.0?  It would be a really powerful ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by MITFrog on March 30, 2007
  • ? CuteEditor changing HTML content on load

    CuteEditor seems to be changing content when loading files.   We loaded an HTML page using the LoadHTML method. The original page is:     <html xmlns:o=''urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office''xmlns:w=''urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word''xmlns=''''> <head><meta ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by fredd on December 27, 2006
  • Occur error when I register account in cutechatstandalone

      Hello Admin,   I deploy cutechatsatndalone on IIS winth Oracle 10g.         When I click ''Register Button'' to Register then it show error:     When I run script .sql for Oracle I don't see any table as  Users   table  (above error: ...Select Username from ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by minhpx on December 12, 2006
  • Editor Problems Continue....

    Here's what I have found so far that doesn't work in Cute Editor:Assume using IE 6.0.29 and firefox tested in your demo.1) Paste from Word in Firefox doesn't reproduce what is in Word regarding fonts and colors (see attached documnt and try to copy and paste it) Paste from Word in ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mthompson07 on February 12, 2006
  • Feedback and Feature Requests

    ReHi, RE Table Smart Tags Post: Ok, I found it: the tags i meant can be found when using Firefox. Feature Request: Is it possible to integrate such a table designer into future versions of the product?   Generally, your product is very convincing - stable, safe and really usable - great work you have done!   Problems ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by trux on February 6, 2006
  • Adding users from ASPX page

    Hi :-) I'd like to add contacts to my Messenger from an external ASPX page.I know that there's the SQL table Chat_User_User, but if I put a new row in that table, I'll find the contact in the messenger only after the next login. So I must logout and login again. What I'd like to obtain is this: while my Messenger is open, I add a new ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by claudio_morandi on October 26, 2005