
You searched for the word(s): aspx
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  • Re: Insert Image Issue

    dalmuti360,>>In the insert image dialog box when you select an image you have to select it again to see it in the preview.  Once the >>image has been selected the first time, you can click on it again and it will display immediately.  Is there a way to make it display the image the first time the image is selected.This bug is ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 9, 2006
  • Re: 5.2: Where to translate "Max file size allowed" in config file?

    Bauer,Sorry, we missed this in the version 5.2.To change the above text, please open and edit the following files:InsertImage.Frame.aspx Gecko_InsertImage.Frame.aspx safari_insertimage.aspx ..   And change the following code:   <legend>        [[Upload]] (Max file size ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on January 30, 2006
  • Re: Whats new?

    Fixed Bugs:   - Fixed: Slow with FireFox when switching from the design view to HTML view   - Fixed: Resizing of images within normal view bug: unable to resize   - Fixed: When resizing images by dragging, aspect ratio is not ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on December 8, 2005
  • Re: Cute editor frame size issue, child window loosing focus, very urgent.

     gurpreet wrote: 2) we have view button in the same screen, we are using following code to open child window , in this case child window is loosing was not in the case of cute soft version 4.waiting for your suggestions, thanking ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on November 14, 2005
  • Re: DNN 3.1 Release on 11/07 Features

    jamnaytac,The lastet build  (11/07/2005) contains the following bug fixes.Fixed Bugs:   - Fixed: Manual Flash tags are changed by the browsers. - Fixed: ''When applying the css class to the content,  sometimes editor embeds 2, 3 even 4 span tags all nested within ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on November 14, 2005
  • InsertGallery.aspx is not a valid virtual path

    Hi.   When using InsertGallery.aspx trying to upload images to a SUBfolder with by images directory cuteeditor thows an exception like ''/myImages/InsertGallery.aspx?setting=<lots og viewstate sort of string>, /myImges/myMainSubFolder/ is not a valid virtual path.   I'm using CuteEditor version 6.5 downloaded october 22. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by slash on October 28, 2009
  • Re: Please check my test page

    I don't think so. Here is the common.config file:   <?xml version=''1.0'' encoding=''utf-8'' ?><configuration> <treedropdowns>  <LinkTree>   <item text='''' Selectable=''False''>    <html><![CDATA[ <img border=0 ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mwinkler on January 25, 2006
  • Re: getting error... when client wants to send a request to admin

    Some time i am getting this error when a client side want to chat with admin -----chat.rane.js.aspx, chat.rane.aspx not imported!!!------ Today i tried in mozilla browser still i am getting errors but differnet errors in mozilla. admin is able to send invitation to user, when user/client click on invitation i mean ''live chat'' then ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by ateeqpasha on January 24, 2007
  • Re: Publish aspx file displays an error in IE 7.0

    Is the target web page in another domain? If the target web page is in another domain, you need to use the following cross-domain monitor tag instead: <script id=''LiveSupportVisitorMonitorScript'' src=''''></script>
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by Adam on January 23, 2008
  • Re: Saving a file

    Hi jlclavijo,   1. How to load the aspx file into editor   Editor1.LoadFile(''~/Default.aspx'')   If you need to edit aspx file, I suggest you do the below setting       <CE:Editor ID=''Editor1'' runat=''server'' EditCompleteDocument=''true'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kenneth on July 6, 2010
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